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Arts & Crafts Symposium October 19, 2024 (Free)



Arts & Crafts Society of Central New York hosts symposium 

The Arts & Crafts Movement in Central New York: Aspirations, Innovation, and Inspiration, Saturday, October 19, at Bird Library, Syracuse University.


The Arts & Crafts Society of Central New York will host a symposium highlighting the variety and richness of the Arts & Crafts Movement of Central New York.  The Arts & Crafts Movement flourished in our region in the early 20th century. Many buildings, furnishings and art collections from the period are still in use and treasured. Central New York offers one of the richest Arts & Crafts Movement experiences in the nation. The symposium is free to the public but requires registration.

The symposium is on Saturday, October 19th, 2024, from 10:30 -3:30 p.m., and will feature local experts Garth Johnson, Beth Crawford, David Rudd, Jeffrey Mayer, and Sam Gruber, with time for audience comments and questions.

The symposium focuses on the rich Arts and Crafts Movement legacy in Central New York. Speakers will address specific well-known individuals including Adelaide Alsop Robineau, the Stickley brothers, Katherine Budd, Ward Wellington Ward, and Henry Keck, as well as many lesser-known artists, architects, and writers who were committed to (or at least dipped their toe into) the aesthetics and the philosophy of the Arts and Crafts Movement.

Speakers will address the work of these men and women tied to specific places in our region to highlight the wealth of extant sites and collections that taken together comprise an Arts and Crafts Movement treasure trove. The final panel will address the planning and presentation needed to position Central New York as a major Arts and Crafts destination in the growing economy of cultural tourism.

The Society has assembled a group of local experts who are leading scholars, curators, and collectors deeply knowledgeable and experienced in the art, architecture, in history of this broad cultural and social movement which transformed Central New York a century ago.

The symposium is open to everyone without charge. A light lunch and free parking are  provided.

To register go to / Or to register or for more information, email

This program is made possible in part with funds from the statewide community regrants program,  a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of  the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by CNY Arts.  The ACSCNY gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Bird Library, Syracuse University.


Sam Gruber: Preservation / Presentation of the Arts & Crafts Movement in CNY 

Garth Johnson: Adelaide Alsop Robineau: Syracuse’s Most Influential Arts & Crafts Figure?

David Rudd: A Close Look at Stickley Furniture

Jeffrey Mayer: “Arts and Crafts Influence on American Textiles and Fashion

Beth Crawford: "Eastwood: Gustav Stickley, Bungalows, & the Arts & Crafts

Movement in the Village within the City

Panel discussion: Central New York as an Arts & Crafts Destination

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