Charles retired from Syracuse University Libraries in 2020, having worked there for 45 years. Over his time there, he served as history bibliographer, serials (periodicals) librarian, and ended his career as cataloguer for the Special Collections Research Center. Mr. Tremper earned undergraduate degrees in history and German and a masters degree in library science from the University at Albany and a masters degree in Austrian studies from the University of Rochester. At the request of Samuel Gruber, he joined the board of the Arts and Crafts Society of Central New York as recording secretary.
Mr. Tremper’s interests in arts and crafts developed sporadically over the years beginning with an interest in domestic architecture in general, becoming something of an omnivore as a collector, and living half a block from the Stickley House on Columbus Avenue. Back in the 1990s when neglect threatened the house, he and his partner wrote and had published in the Post Standard a letter urging attention be paid to the house, emphasizing its design importance and importance to Syracuse's sense of place. In time Mr. Tremper recognized the arts and crafts elements in his side entrance colonial, especially the trellised porch columns and massive brick fireplace with its simple mantle. His collecting interests began with Victoriana, moved through an intense art deco phase, and have settled on items from the first decades of the 20th century, such as lamps, lighting fixtures, pottery and glass and modestly scaled mission oak.